Angelina Täker
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Selgus, millise Euroopa riigi ettevõtted kasutavad enim tehisintellekti


Robot companions are being offered to senior citizens in New York in a bid to combat loneliness.

The New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) are working with local partners to identify older adults who would most benefit from the technology - a voice-operated smart device known as ElliQ.

The device, which consists of an interactive robot paired with a tablet, will help "foster independence and provide support for older adults," NYSOFA said.

ElliQ can carry out daily check-ins, suggest health and wellness tasks such as sleep relaxation and physical exercises, remind users to take their medication, and help them stay in touch with family and friends.

It also "proactively suggests" activities and initiates conversations, using artificial intelligence (AI) to foster a sense of relationship, NYSOFA added.

"Despite misconceptions and generalisations, older adults embrace new technology, especially when they see it is designed by older adults to meet their needs," NYSOFA Director Greg Olsen said in a statement.

"For those who experience some form of isolation and wish to age in place, ElliQ is a powerful complement to traditional forms of social interaction and support from professional or family caregivers".

Produced by Israel-based start-up Intuition Robotics, the ElliQ device is marketed by the company as a "sidekick for healthier, happier ageing".

It was launched for commercial sale in March this year.

Researchers are increasingly turning to robots for solutions as cases of social isolation and loneliness rise among older populations.

Such feelings are widespread, with some countries reporting that up to one in three older people feel lonely, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).

In Europe, robots have already been trialled in UK care homes in a bid to try and boost mental health and reduce loneliness.

Similarly, a joint EU-Japan project called ACCRA has been developing social robots co-designed by older people, including a mobility robot to help people stay on their feet, and a smaller robot that can interact and engage on a social level.

When: 07 Jun 2022
Credit: ElliQ/Cover Images

**VIDEO AVAILABLE. CONTACT INFO@COVERMG.COM TO RECEIVE.** Robot companions are being offered to senior citizens in New York in a bid to combat loneliness. The New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) are working with local partners to identify older adults who would most benefit from the technology - a voice-operated smart device known as ElliQ. The device, which consists of an interactive robot paired with a tablet, will help "foster independence and provide support for older adults," NYSOFA said. ElliQ can carry out daily check-ins, suggest health and wellness tasks such as sleep relaxation and physical exercises, remind users to take their medication, and help them stay in touch with family and friends. It also "proactively suggests" activities and initiates conversations, using artificial intelligence (AI) to foster a sense of relationship, NYSOFA added. "Despite misconceptions and generalisations, older adults embrace new technology, especially when they see it is designed by older adults to meet their needs," NYSOFA Director Greg Olsen said in a statement. "For those who experience some form of isolation and wish to age in place, ElliQ is a powerful complement to traditional forms of social interaction and support from professional or family caregivers". Produced by Israel-based start-up Intuition Robotics, the ElliQ device is marketed by the company as a "sidekick for healthier, happier ageing". It was launched for commercial sale in March this year. Researchers are increasingly turning to robots for solutions as cases of social isolation and loneliness rise among older populations. Such feelings are widespread, with some countries reporting that up to one in three older people feel lonely, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In Europe, robots have already been trialled in UK care homes in a bid to try and boost mental health and reduce loneliness. Similarly, a joint EU-Japan project called ACCRA has been developing social robots co-designed by older people, including a mobility robot to help people stay on their feet, and a smaller robot that can interact and engage on a social level. When: 07 Jun 2022 Credit: ElliQ/Cover Images **EDITORIAL USE ONLY. MATERIALS ONLY TO BE USED IN CONJUNCTION WITH EDITORIAL STORY. THE USE OF THESE MATERIALS FOR ADVERTISING, MARKETING OR ANY OTHER COMMERCIAL PURPOSE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. MATERIAL COPYRIGHT REMAINS WITH ELLIQ.** Foto: Postimees

2021. aastal kasutas 8 protsenti Euroopa Liidu (EL) ettevõtetest vähemalt ühte tehisintellekti (AI) tehnoloogiatest.

Kasutatud tehnoloogiate hulka kuulusid kirjakeelt analüüsivad tehnoloogiad; kirja- või kõnekeelt loovad tehnoloogiad; kõnetuvastus; pildituvastus; masinõpe andmeanalüüsiks; tehnoloogiad, mis automatiseerivad erinevaid töövooge või abistavad otsuste tegemisel; ning tehnoloogiad, mis võimaldavad masinatel füüsiliselt liikuda, jälgides ümbrust ja tehes autonoomseid otsuseid.

Kõige enam EL-i liikmesriikidest kasutasid Eurostati andmetel mullu mõnda neist seitsmest AI tehnoloogiast ettevõtted Taanis, kus seda tegi 24 protsenti ettevõtetest. Suhteliselt levinud oli AI tehnoloogiate kasutamine ka Portugalis ja Soomes, kus see näitaja oli vastavalt 17 protsenti ja 16 protsenti.

Kõige vähem kasutasid AI tehnoloogiaid ettevõtted Rumeenias, kus seda tegi 1 protsent riigi ettevõtetest ning Poolas, Ungaris, Küprosel, Eestis ja Bulgaarias – kõigis neis riikides kasutas tehisintellekti 3 protsenti ettevõtetest.

Asjade interneti (IoT) seadmeid kasutas 2021. aastal 29 protsenti EL-i ettevõtetest, peamiselt oma valduste turvalisuse tagamiseks. IoT seadmete hulka kuuluvad näiteks suitsuandurid, valgustid, termostaadid, alarmsüsteemid, nutilukud ja kaamerad.

Kõige enam kasutati 2021. aastal IoT seadmeid Austrias, kus seda tegi 51 protsenti ettevõtetest ja Sloveenias, kus seda tegi 49 protsenti. Näitaja oli kõrge ka Soomes ja Rootsis, ulatudes 40 protsendini.

Kõige vähem kasutati selliseid seadmeid samuti Rumeenias, kus IoT seadmete kasutamise osakaal ettevõtete hulgas oli 11 protsenti. Järgnes Bulgaaria 15 protsendiga ning Eesti, Põhja-Makedoonia ning Bosnia ja Herzegoviina 17 protsendiga.

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