Sander Silm
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Empire State Building läheb börsile

Juhime tähelepanu, et artikkel on rohkem kui viis aastat vana ning kuulub meie arhiivi. Ajakirjandusväljaanne ei uuenda arhiivide sisu, seega võib olla vajalik tutvuda ka uuemate allikatega.
Toimetaja: Tõnis Oja
The 1,454-foot Empire State Building, left, and the 1,776-foot One World Trade Center, right, are shown in this photo from New York"s Top of the Rock Observation Deck at Rockefeller Center,  Friday, May 10, 2013. A tall, heavy spire was fully installed atop One World Trade Center on Friday, bringing the New York City structure to its symbolic height of 1,776 feet. The installation makes One World Trade Center the tallest skyscraper in the U.S. and third-tallest in the world, although building experts dispute whether the spire is actually an antenna Ñ a crucial distinction in measuring the building's height. (AP Photo/Richard Drew) / SCANPIX Code: 436
The 1,454-foot Empire State Building, left, and the 1,776-foot One World Trade Center, right, are shown in this photo from New York"s Top of the Rock Observation Deck at Rockefeller Center, Friday, May 10, 2013. A tall, heavy spire was fully installed atop One World Trade Center on Friday, bringing the New York City structure to its symbolic height of 1,776 feet. The installation makes One World Trade Center the tallest skyscraper in the U.S. and third-tallest in the world, although building experts dispute whether the spire is actually an antenna Ñ a crucial distinction in measuring the building's height. (AP Photo/Richard Drew) / SCANPIX Code: 436 Foto: RICHARD DREW/AP

New Yorgis asuva pilvelõhkuja Empire State Building omanikud kiitsid heaks plaani aktsiate avaliku esmaemissiooni (IPO) korraldamiseks, kirjutab The Wall Street Journal.

Üle 80 protsendi omanikfirma 2800 aktsionärist hääletasid emissiooni poolt ning sellest saab üks suuremaid kinnisvarahaldusfirmade IPOsid, kinnitab majandusleht.

IPO käigus luuakse uus ettevõte, Empire State Realty Trust, mille omanduses on 1931. aastal ehitatud pilvelõhkuja ning veel 18 kinnisvaraobjekti.

Emissiooni käigus loodetakse koguda miljard dollarit ning see oleks suuruselt teine USA kinnisvarahaldusfirmade korraldatud IPO.

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